Christian Faith in God: Uniting Nigerian Singles on a Spiritual Journey

The Declaration of Our Christian Faith

Our Christian faith finds its source in Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the universe. The Nigerian Christian Singles dating website is deeply committed to connecting and uniting Christians. By embracing the divine teachings presented in the Holy Bible, the inspired and written words of the Almighty God, we discover a life of freedom, happiness, and purpose. We firmly believe in the existence of one God, who manifests as the Trinity: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

Our Lord Jesus Christ
Following in the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who revealed the path to peace and happiness, we acknowledge and accept His divinity, His extraordinary and miraculous virgin birth, His sinless life, His wondrous acts, His sacrificial death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, and His imminent return to judge the world with righteousness. He will bring forth a new paradise, Heaven, and a new earth for all who faithfully follow Him.

The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible is a compilation of writings inspired by God and guided by the Holy Spirit. Through human personalities, the Almighty God conveyed the sacred texts of the Holy Bible. The foundational principles of the Christian faith and eternal truths were recorded and preserved in His own words. The Holy Bible reveals the character of our God and His will concerning the conduct of individuals in our society, both today and throughout history.

The Gospel

Our Heavenly Father, the Almighty God, sent His Only Son, Jesus Christ, to be born of the virgin Mother Mary. Jesus grew to become a man, teaching and healing humanity. He endured hardships, willingly gave up His life on the cross, was buried, and triumphantly rose from the dead on the third day. He then ascended to the presence of our Heavenly Father in Heaven, a perfect place He has prepared for those who have received His special gift of salvation. Through His sinless life, sacrificial death, and glorious resurrection, Jesus Christ has made a way for humanity to find forgiveness for our sins and attain eternal life with Him. This precious gift of salvation is received through repentance, as God has granted everlasting life to mankind through our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who believe in Him will be eternally secure in their salvation. It is by the grace and power of God, not by our own efforts, that salvation is obtained.

Join our vibrant community of Nigerian singles as we embark on a spiritual journey together. Discover the power of faith, find meaningful connections, and nurture relationships grounded in shared beliefs. Experience the joy of fellowship and love as we navigate the path of Christian faith in God. Start your journey today. We extend our gratitude and wish you a wonderful dating experience on NCS.

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Great epistle. You made JESUS real.